2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

INS 25 - Scaling up from the Smallest Actors to Global Patterns

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
243, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Ellen Stuart-Haentjens
Tamara J. Zelikova and Kelly S Ramirez
Ellen Stuart-Haentjens
In this ESA Inspire Session, we will bring together research topics and researchers that are often separated in conference settings because the scale of research questions or study environment differs. Presentations in this session will be organized around scaling processes, with the goal of encouraging a more holistic view of ecological processes. The proposed session will thus span multiple stages of complexity, from species interactions and nutrient dynamics all the way up to global scale patterns, ending with presentations on science communication and policy, bringing microbial biology into the same room as remote sensing and science communication to place research findings into actionable context. We hope to spark ideas of connectivity across ecological fields and scales and in doing so, push the boundaries towards integrative and innovative science. The presentations in this session share a number of commonalities, including 1) the use of cutting- edge approaches to address both classical and novel ecological questions; 2) research that goes beyond the norm and integrates across disciplines and scales; 3) results are placed in the contest of global change and finally, 4) research led by women and/or under-represented groups across career stages, from undergraduates to well established scientists. We recognize that there are many marginalized groups in ecology and we will use this session to promote and celebrate their work. To enact this, invited speakers include people of multiple ethnicities and backgrounds from early to late career stages.
A Fun-gal World
Kathleen K. Treseder, University of California, Irvine
Ecosystem structure and function: (e)merging models across scales
Lisa Haber, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jeffrey Atkins, Virginia Commonwealth University; Christopher Gough, Virginia Commonwealth University
Flipping the script: Taking a look at parasite-host interactions
Samniqueka J. Halsey, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign
What does restoration mean, anyway?
Sheryl Bradford, Virginia Commonwealth University; Christopher Gough, Virginia Commonwealth University; Scott C. Neubauer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ellen Stuart-Haƫntjens, Virginia Commonwealth University
Patterns in ecosystem C dynamics in Everglades Freshwater Marsh
Sparkle Malone, Florida International University; Steven F. Oberbauer, Florida International University; Paulo C. Olivas, Florida International University; Jessica L. Schedlbauer, West Chester University; Junbin Zhao, Florida International University; Gregory Starr, University of Alabama; Christina L. Staudhammer, University of Alabama
From leaf to globe: Shared patterns of respiration across diverse species and biomes
Mary Heskel, Marine Biological Laboratory, Macalester College
Science Communication
Kika Tuff, Impact Media Lab
See more of: Inspire