93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 30 - Physiological Ecology

Tuesday, August 5, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Do lianas and tree saplings limit the use of water by canopy trees in a seasonal tropical forest?
Michael F. Tobin, University of Houston-Downtown; Sasha J. Wright, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; Scott A. Mangan, Washington University in St. Louis; Stefan A. Schnitzer, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Correlated ecophysiologial leaf traits of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes
Emily M. Habinck, North Carolina State University; William A. Hoffmann, NC State University
Why does elevated CO2 affect time of flowering? An explorary study using the photoperiod flowering mutants of Arabidopsis
Xin Song, University of Pennsylvania; Dave Kristie, Acadia University; Ed Reekie, Acadia University
Between a rock and a hard place: Nest site selection as a thermoregulatory mechanism in the ant Formica neorufibarbus gelida
Joseph McCaffrey, Colorado College; Adam J. McKinley, Colorado College; Sylvia Kelso, Colorado College; Candace Galen, University of Missouri-Columbia
Understanding the variability of CO2 efflux from woody tissue within and among forest trees
Michele L. Pruyn, Plymouth State University; Mark E. Harmon, Oregon State University; Michael G. Ryan, Colorado State University
Hydraulic constraints on maximum height in Pinus strobus trees in northern Minnesota
John C. Kamman, Bemidji State University; Matthew P. Coyle, Bemidji State University; Mark R. Fulton, Bemidji State University
Stem CO2 efflux and re-fixation in Eucalyptus globulus trees growing in the Mediterranean region
Sofia Cerasoli, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa; Joana Faria, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; Mary Anne McGuire, University of Georgia; João S. Pereira, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa; Manuela Chaves, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; Robert O. Teskey, University of Georgia
Moisture stress modulates the effects of elevated CO2 on 13C discrimination and intrinsic water-use efficiency
Alan F. Talhelm, University of Idaho; Mark E. Kubiske, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Kurt S. Pregitzer, University of Idaho; William E. Holmes, University of California, Davis; Donald R. Zak, University of Michigan
Influences of microclimate on water relations and phenology of southern California black walnut (Juglans californica)
Brandy N. Ulrich, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona; Allison J. Roth, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona; Edward G. Bobich, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
Linking elemental composition to higher-order biochemistry in grassland insects
Seth J. Wenner, University of St. Thomas; Adam D. Kay, University of St. Thomas
Variation in the photoprotective strategies in two alpine plant species of central Chile
Marco A. Molina-Montenegro, Universidad de Concepción; Jorge Gallardo, Universidad de Concepción; León A. Bravo, Universidad de Concepción; Lohengrin A. Cavieres, Universidad de Concepcion, IEB Chile
Sex at the thermal edge: Exploring the physiological limits to sexual reproduction in geothermal bryophytes
Todd Rosenstiel, Portland State University; Sarah Eppley, Portland State University
Variation in leaf and fine stem CO2 flux as a function of plant size: A comparison of seedlings, saplings, and trees
Kerrie M. Sendall, University of Minnesota; Peter B. Reich, University of Minnesota
Redistribution of labile nitrogen between growing and non-growing regions: Implications for differential responses of plant growth and N uptake to high CO2
Zaid M. McKie-Krisberg, University of Illinois at Chicago; Harbans L. Sehtiya, University of Illinois at Chicago; Hormoz BassiriRad, University of Illinois at Chicago
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