93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 30-150 - Moisture stress modulates the effects of elevated CO2 on 13C discrimination and intrinsic water-use efficiency

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Alan F. Talhelm, Department of Forest Ecology and Biogeosciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, Mark E. Kubiske, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Rhinelander, WI, Kurt S. Pregitzer, Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, William E. Holmes, University of California, Davis and Donald R. Zak, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Changes in intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE), the amount of carbon gain per unit transpiration during photosynthesis, will be an important part of the physiological response of plants to altered atmospheric composition and climate. Our knowledge of how WUE will adapt to increasing atmospheric CO2 comes from two sources: plant chronologies (particularly tree rings) and experiments conducted under projected atmospheric CO2. Several studies of projected CO2 have found results which suggest that gains in WUE that occur under dry conditions are enhanced under elevated CO2, a phenomenon which has not been observed in examinations of WUE in plant chronologies. However, these two types of studies typically use different methods to assess WUE: instantaneous measurements for projected CO2 studies and measurements of 13C discrimination in plant chronologies. To bridge this gap, we measureed  13C discrimination in a five year chronology of leaf litter collected from three species (Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, Acer saccharum)  growing at the free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment in Rhinelander, WI, USA. Each of the 13C discrimination chronologies was then fit with several different environmental variables including soil moisture, precipitation, and humidity. We hypothesized that if instantaneous measurements were correct, we would see larger gains in WUE under dry conditions for plants growing under elevated CO2 than for plants growing in ambient CO2.


Overall, growth under elevated CO2 increased 13C discrimination by 8% (P < 0.04) but did not significantly affect WUE. However, the effect of elevated CO2 on 13C discrimination and WUE was subject to strong annual variation, particularly for Populus and Acer. For these two species the effect of elevated CO2 on WUE was negatively correlated with several moisture related variables, particularly average volumetric soil moisture values during the fall of the previous year and the spring of the current year.  In contrast, changes in 13C discrimination and WUE for Betula were more strongly related to spring humidity. Given that growth under elevated CO2 has been known to increase moisture availability, the large increases in WUE in response to moisture stress were somewhat surprising. However, the results are in agreement with instantaneous measurements at this and other sites which suggest reduced stomatal limitation to photosynthesis, diminishing the effect of reduced stomatal conductance on carbon assimilation.