93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 30-157 - Redistribution of labile nitrogen between growing and non-growing regions: Implications for differential responses of plant growth and N uptake to high CO2

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Zaid M. McKie-Krisberg, Harbans L. Sehtiya and Hormoz BassiriRad, Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration has been shown to, at least initially, enhance plant growth despite a substantial decrease in nitrogen (N) concentration. Here we suggest that despite having a lower proportional N content, plants grown under high CO2 may be able to allocate a disproportionately larger amount of their available N to zones of cell division and expansion and away from mature tissues. We examined this hypothesis by evaluating concentration and pools of labile N in various zones of development in barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings grown under ambient (400ppm) and elevated (800ppm) CO2 concentrations. Grasses are particularly suitable for such studies because they are characterized by distinct meristematic, expanding and mature zones both in roots and shoots. Nitrogen species examined were, nitrate, ammonium and total amino acids.

Elevated CO2 enhanced total plant and root biomass by 26 and 20% respectively. We found that whole root concentration of nitrate, ammonium and AAs dropped by 20, 19, and 10% respectively in response to CO2 enrichment. However, % allocation of nitrate, ammonium and AAs to the root meristem increased by 93, 68 and 106% respectively. The data suggests that fractional allocation of labile pools of N may be an important internal redistribution mechanism that would regulate growth responses to elevated CO2 despite an overall drop in N budget of plants.