93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 30-153 - Linking elemental composition to higher-order biochemistry in grassland insects

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Seth J. Wenner and Adam D. Kay, Department of Biology, University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN

An organism’s biomolecular composition may constrain its ability to meet the challenges of survival and reproduction. Ecological stoichiometry (ES), the study of element balance in living systems, provides a framework for linking the chemical composition of organisms to functional traits impinging on ecological interactions. A central idea in ES, the growth rate hypothesis, posits a positive causal relationship between whole body phosphorus (P) content and growth rate in organisms due to the dependence of protein synthesis rate on the concentration of P-rich ribosomal RNA. This hypothesis has been tested frequently in aquatic systems, but relatively little is known about the importance of P variation in terrestrial animals. Here we test one component of the growth rate hypothesis by examining the relationship between whole-insect P concentration and RNA concentration both among and within grassland insect species; this work is the first broad scale comparison of whole-organism RNA concentration among terrestrial invertebrates.


We found that whole-insect RNA concentration varied more than 4-fold across species and showed a strong phylogenetic signal. Moreover, variation in RNA concentration accounted for much of the variation in insect P concentration in phylogenetically adjusted comparisons. Within species, we found that RNA concentration consistently varied with P concentration between life stages, as juveniles generally contained higher concentrations of RNA and P than conspecific adults. In addition, RNA concentration often significantly decreased with body mass among conspecifics within a life stage, which coincided with similar negative allometries for P concentration. Our results suggest that the substantial variation in P concentration both among and within grassland insect species is clearly linked to allocation to a biomolecule (RNA) that has documented impacts on key life history traits. A continued focus on these relationships should reveal how material constraints underlie important functional traits in terrestrial insect communities.