2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

WK 16 - Diverse Career Pathways in Ecology

Monday, August 6, 2018: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
235-236, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Xueying "Shirley" Han
Bekkah Lampe and Emily Rivest
Ecology is often considered an academic discipline and graduate students are typically trained to follow the academic track. In reality, there are many jobs across a wide variety of fields that are open to ecologists. This workshop is ideal for graduate students and early-career researchers who are interested in learning more about career opportunities both in and out of academia. Participants will get to hear from and interact with a diverse group of ecologists working in academia, local government, federal government, and non-government organizations as tenure-track professors, research analysts, and science education specialists.

Meet our panelists and learn how they landed their current position. Each of our scientists will provide a brief description of their educational backgrounds, what the interview process was like for their current job, current job responsibilities, and day-to-day work activities. After initial introductions, panelists and participants will engage in three rounds of ‘Speed Dating an Ecologist’ where each of the panelist will move to an assigned area and participants interested in finding more about that particular career can ask questions and learn about that specific career path. Each round will last approximately 20 minutes to provide both panelists and participants with ample time and opportunity for discussion.

Registration Fee: $0

See more of: Workshops