Advances, Frontiers, Applications, and Challenges within and Across Ecological Disciplines: A Celebration of ESA’s Centennial, and a Roadmap for the Next 100 Years

Monday, August 10, 2015: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
345, Baltimore Convention Center
Valerie T. Eviner
Elena M. Bennett and Daniel R. Scholes
F. Stuart Chapin III
In celebration of ESA’s Centennial, the ESA Science Committee has organized an Ignite session to summarize the key advances, frontiers, challenges, and applications within and across various fields of ecology. Speakers across diverse fields in ecology will summarize: 1. Key advances (past and current) in theory and application- both within the field, but also by linking across other disciplines (within and outside of ecology) 2. Pressing environmental or societal issues that the field will be called on to address. 3. Key unanswered/ partially answered questions in basic science and its applications. By highlighting the most exciting research accomplishments, most effective applications, and most challenging future questions, the aim of this Ignite session is to bring the ESA membership a broad perspective of our field, and stimulate their research to contribute to the frontiers through diverse approaches, and integration across disciplines.
History of ecology
Frank N. Egerton, University of Wisconsin, Parkside
Got organisms?
Zoe Cardon, Marine Biological Laboratory
Evolutionary ecology
Anurag A. Agrawal, Cornell University
Population ecology: Prediction is harder than understanding
Alan Hastings, University of California, Davis
Frontiers in community ecology
Deborah Goldberg, University of Michigan
Ecosystem ecology
Mary Power, University of California Berkeley
Much ado about landscapes
Monica Turner, University of Wisconsin, Madison
See more of: Ignite ESA Sessions