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Special Sessions
Monday, August 5, 2013
Mon Aug 05
Tue Aug 06
Wed Aug 07
10:15 AM-11:30 AM
SS 1
Climate Science Centers: Now Supporting Resource Management With Science at a Location Near You!
SS 2
Creating Effective Data Management Plans for Ecological Research
SS 3
Engaging with Business and Industry to Advance Earth Stewardship
SS 4
Generating a Historical Time Line of 'Earth Stewards' to Inspire Our Future
SS 5
Managing the World’s Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems - Sustainable Pathways for a Changing World
SS 6
Resources for Ecology Education: Fair & Share (REEFS)
SS 7
Sense of Place: Bdote: Mni Sota Makoce (the Minnesota River landscape) as seen by Dakota and Ojibwe artists, elders, and activists
SS 8
The Current and Future Role of Ecologists as it Relates to Marcellus and Utica Shale Hydraulic Fracturing Research, Policy, and Advocacy.
8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SS 9
An Evening of Art and Music
SS 10
CANCELLED - Building a More Sustainable Upper Mississippi River Social-Ecological System
SS 12
Organismal Sampling on a Continental Scale: A Town Hall Discussion of the Terrestrial Soil, Biogeochemical, and Organismal Protocols of the National Ecological Observatory Network.
SS 13
Research Opportunities with the US Department of Energy-Office of Biological and Environmental Research
SS 14
Roundtable: Joint Management of Grazing Ungulates and Forest Ecosystems--Advances, Insights, and Future Directions
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Mon Aug 05
Tue Aug 06
Wed Aug 07
8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SS 15
DataNet: Demonstrations of Data Discovery, Access, and Sharing Tools
SS 16
Ecological Footprint
SS 17
Ecological Theory in Microbial Ecology
SS 18
Incorporating Ecology into Green Roof Research
SS 19
Open Science and Ecology (Open Format)
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Mon Aug 05
Tue Aug 06
Wed Aug 07
8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SS 20
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on the Global Stage: IPBES and you