Monday, August 5, 2013: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
101A, Minneapolis Convention Center
Geneva W. Chong
Stephen T. Gray
Jill Baron
Shannon McNeeley
Jeffrey T. Morisette
Dennis Ojima
Richard Sojda
This special session will introduce participants to the Department of Interior Climate Science Centers (CSCs) and their unique position to unite federal and academic researchers with cultural and natural resource managers to facilitate a full-cycle approach to the use of research in support of management decisions - from identification of management need to provision of research product to the decision making process. A panel composed of leaders from the CSCs, members of the University Consortia and Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, and other collaborators/clients will provide an overview of the approaches used to support the CSC mission: to serve the scientific needs of managers of fish, wildlife, habitats, and ecosystems as they plan for a changing climate by providing scientific support for climate-adaptation across a full range of natural and cultural resources. Participants will benefit from an overview of the CSC support capacities, research solicitation and funding processes with hopes to spark future collaborations.