Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
101B, Minneapolis Convention Center
Tracy A. Kugler
Amber Budden
Tracy A. Kugler
Reagan Moore
Robert H. McDonald
Sayeed Choudhury
Matt Jones
The projects funded under the NSF’s DataNet initiative will demonstrate data infrastructure tools that facilitate data discovery, access, and sharing. Terra Populus will demonstrate its web-based data access and integration system. The system includes environmental and population data and allows users to browse available data and metadata and construct customized datasets incorporating data from multiple sources in an integrated package. The DataNet Federation Consortium will demonstrate collaboration environments allowing users to retrieve remotely stored data and incorporate them into research workflows. Sharable data and workflows enable collaborators to reproduce scientific results by re-executing the analyses. DataONE will demonstrate tools from within the Investigator Toolkit (ITK) which, combined with the DataONE cyberinfrastructure, enables discovery, preservation and analysis of scientific data. Demonstrations will include ONEMercury, a unified data search engine across multiple data repositories, and DataUp, which provides best practice checking and metadata creation tools for Excel spreadsheets to prepare data for sharing. The Data Conservancy will demonstrate uploading data to a Cloud Hosted DCS-Lite system from remote DropBox environments; application of automated metadata and feature extraction tools, including geospatial and taxonomic names indexing; and subsequent ingest to a shared archival DC Instance. SEAD will demonstrate customized VIVO social networking capabilities; "active and social curation" using metadata extraction, tagging, and commenting tools; and structured interactions with preservation environments through a virtual archive. Together, these tools enable innovative science by making it easier for researchers to identify, access, and work with existing data and to share their data and results with others.