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PS 42
- Agricultural Landscapes
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 42-13
Importance of riparian forests as a source of cavity trees and winter den sites of the Siberian flying squirrel in an agricultural landscape in Hokkaido, northern Japan
Kiyono Katsumata
Hokkaido University
Takumi Akasaka
Hokkaido University
Futoshi Nakamura
Hokkaido University
PS 42-14
Multi-scaled habitat selection of two sympatric
species in the agricultural landscape of Hokkaido in northern Japan
Takumi Akasaka
Hokkaido University
Munemitsu Akasaka
National Institute for Environmental Studies
Futoshi Nakamura
Hokkaido University
PS 42-15
Herbicide may interact with predator cues and foraging success to determine fitness in wolf spiders
Kerri M. Wrinn
Miami University
Ann L. Rypstra
Miami University
PS 42-16
Species composition and primary productivity changes after two years of goat grazing exclusion in two Canary Islands pastures
Silvia Fernández-Lugo
University of La Laguna
Lea de Nascimento
University of La Laguna
Celia GarcÃa
Universidad de La Laguna
Luis Alberto Bermejo
University of La Laguna
José Ramón Arévalo
Universidad de La Laguna
PS 42-17
Carbon isotope discrimination characteristics of tall fescue–endophyte associations as a function of defoliation intensity and light availability
David P. Belesky
Jonathan J. Halvorson
Joyce M. Ruckle
PS 42-18
Predator and pollinator responses to flowering strips vary with landscape characteristics
J. Megan Woltz
Michigan State University
Julianna K. Tuell
Michigan State University
Rufus Isaacs
Michigan State University
Doug A. Landis
Michigan State University
PS 42-19
A comparison of manual interpretation and object-oriented analysis of digital photographs to assess relative cover of phenologically distinct plant groups in small-scale field plots
Laura C. Planck
Michigan State University
Carolyn Malmstrom
Michigan State University
Kevin J. Rice
University of California Davis
Valerie T. Eviner
University of California Davis
Natalie Repin
University of California Davis
Jennifer Wolf
University of California Davis
PS 42-20
“Country Onion†(
Afrostyrax lepidophyllus
):Â Spice and medicine of the cameroon rainforest
Rhiannon C. Thomas
Washington State University
PS 42-21
USDA Biotechnology Field Inspections in the Western U.S. in 2008
Douglas W. Grant
PS 42-22
Evaluating tillage effect on bacterial diversity in a semi-arid agroecosystem using pyrosequencing
Shashi Kumar
Texas Tech University
Rina Kumari
Texas Tech University
Scott Dowd
Research and Testing Laboratory
Randall M. Jeter
Texas Tech University
Michael J. San Francisco
Texas Tech University
John C. Zak
Texas Tech University
PS 42-23
Trends in satellite-observed vegetation trends and its environmental impacts across the Loess Plateau
Xian Teng
Beijing Normal University
Tianming Wang
Beijing Normal University
Jianguo Wu
Arizona State University
Xiaojun Kou
Beijing Normal University
Paul P. Mou
Beijing Normal University
Rumei Xu
Beijing Normal University
Jianping Ge
Beijing Normal University
PS 42-24
A soil microbial community is affected by sex-hormones originated from cattle manure:Â A vertical profile study
Galit Hermann
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Laurence Shore
Kimron Veterinary Institute
Yossef Steinberger
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
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