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PS 82
- Latebreaking: Invasion
Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 82-107
Use of carbohydrate resources by red imported fire ants,
Solenopsis invicta
, in their native and introduced ranges
Shawn M. Wilder
Oklahoma State University
Micky D. Eubanks
Texas A&M University
Andrew V. Suarez
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Holway
University of California, San Diego
PS 82-108
Enemy spillover among exotic and native perennial grass species in experimental communities in a seasonal wetland prairie
G. Kai Blaisdell
University of California, Berkeley
Bitty A. Roy
University of Oregon
PS 82-109
Alteration of soil function and biota by an invasive, non-native C
Gail Wilson
Oklahoma State University
Karen R. Hickman
Oklahoma State University
PS 82-110
Ecosystem responses to dreissenid mussel invasion
Scott N. Higgins
University of Wisconsin-Madison
M. Jake Vander Zanden
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lucas N. Joppa
Duke University
PS 82-111
Topsin-M: The new benomyl for mycorrhizal-suppression experiments
Melinda M. Williamson
Oklahoma State University
Gail Wilson
Oklahoma State University
PS 82-112
Intraspecific terpenoid variation in eastern hemlocks and the potential for resistance to the hemlock woolly adelgid
Laura L. Ingwell
University of Idaho
J. Brady
University of Rhode Island
M. Fitzpatrick
University of Rhode Island
R. Casagrande
University of Rhode Island
B. Maynard
University of Rhode Island
E. Preisser
University of Rhode Island
PS 82-113
The role of phenology in competitive interactions between native and invasive herbaceous species
Kevin John Barry
University of Maryland
PS 82-114
The impact of
Alliaria petiolata
on the soil fungal community
Armando Carrillo
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Maria P. MacWilliams
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Joy Wolf
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
PS 82-115
The use of activated carbon to mediate the negative phytotoxic effects of
Alliaria petiolata
on germination and seedling growth of
Aquilegia canadensis
Laurie S. Eberhardt
Valparaiso University
Jonathan A Finger
Valparaiso University
PS 82-116
Frequent consumption and rapid digestion of prey by the Lake Erie watersnake: Implications for an invasive prey species
Peter C. Jones
Northern Illinois University
Richard B. King
Northern Illinois University
Kristin M. Stanford
Northern Illinois University
Tyler D. Lawson
College of Charleston
Matt Thomas
Ohio State University
PS 82-118
Impact of
Alliaria petiolata
, a non-native plant species, on soil microbial diversity
Yashu Vashishath
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Maria P MacWilliams
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Joy Wolf
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
PS 82-119
The role of hybridization in reproduction and establishment of invasive
Pyrus calleryana
(Callery pear)
Nicole A. Hardiman
University of Cincinnati
Theresa M. Culley
University of Cincinnati
PS 82-120
The impact of propagule pressure and genetic diversity on non-native establishment into plant communities
Kane R. Keller
Michigan State University
Jennifer A. Lau
Michigan State University
PS 82-121
Alliaria petiolata
: Impact on native spring ephemerals and successful control in a maple beech forest
Joy J. Wolf
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Chris Coleman
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Jon Grove
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Tim Leveque
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Jon Nutter
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Michael Stanton
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
PS 82-122
Inquiry-based undergraduate learning: Abiotic and biotic controls of garlic mustard (
Alliaria petiolata
) invasion in Virginia pine and hardwood forests
M. Krishna Rao
Washington and Lee University
Anne E. Hassell
Washington and Lee University
Annie B. Blakey
Washington and Lee University
Katherine E. Duncan
Washington and Lee University
Matthew R. Krafft
Washington and Lee University
Anne B. Alerding
Virginia Military Institute
PS 82-123
Introducing non-indigenous species to the Great Lakes via ballast water: Quantifying vector strength and evaluating current management strategies
Mark S. Minton
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
A. Whitman Miller
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Sarah A. Bailey
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Gregory M. Ruiz
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
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