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PS 81
- Latebreaking: Forests
Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 81-98
Avian community structure in tropical montane cloud forest:Â not all neotropical forests are the same
David W. Kikuchi
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
PS 81-99
Long-term responses in the growth and defense of loblolly pine to changes in carbon and nutrient availability
D. Dünya Önen
Dartmouth College
Matthew P. Ayres
Dartmouth College
Richard T. Wilkens
Dowling College
Peter L. Lorio Jr.
Southern Research Staion
PS 81-100
Modeled interactive effects of precipitation, temperature, and CO
on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones
Yiqi Luo
University of Oklahoma
Dieter Gerten
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
W. J. Parton
Colorado State University
Ensheng Weng
Princeton University
Xuhui Zhou
Fudan University
Jeffrey Dukes
Purdue University
PS 81-101
Plant phenology study in a mixed temperate forest of northern Wisconsin
Liang Liang
University of Kentucky
Mark D. Schwartz
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
PS 81-102
Potential regulation of ectomycorrhizae by paper birch in response to soil type and fertilization: Linking the growth differentiation balance hypothesis, optimal plasticity, and carbon allocation models
Nathan M. Kleczewski
Purdue University
Daniel A. Herms
The Ohio State University / OARDC
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello
The Ohio State University
PS 81-103
Barriers to tree recruitment and forest restoration in high elevation habitats of north-central West Virginia
Heather Griscom
James Madison University
Bronson Griscom
Canaan Valley Institute
Sarah Deacon
Canaan Valley Institute
PS 81-104
Inter- and intra-specific variability in leaf function and the distribution of tropical trees along an elevational gradient: Do functional traits predict species ranges?
Catherine M. Hulshof
University of Arizona
Nathan G. Swenson
Michigan State University
PS 81-105
Strategy differentiation and coexistence in an Amazonian forest
Nathan Kraft
University of Maryland
Renato Valencia
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
David Ackerly
University of California, Berkeley
PS 81-106
Landscape controls over forest successional pathways in former oak savanna and prairie in Oregon
Scott D. Bridgham
University of Oregon
Bart R. Johnson
University of Oregon
Gabriel I. Yospin
Montana State University
Meghan Murphy
University of Oregon
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