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PS 83
- Latebreaking: Methods and Techniques
Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 83-124
The demographics and spatial utilization of Blanding's turtle (
Emydoidea blandingii
) at Richard Bong State Recreation area in southeastern Wisconsin
Robert C. Jagla
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Chris Coleman
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Sean Murphy
City University of New York / College of Staten Island
Gregory C. Mayer
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Joy Wolf
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
PS 83-125
Do sampling methods differ in their utility for ecological monitoring? Comparison of line-point intercept, grid-point intercept, and ocular estimate methods
Hector Godinez-Alvarez
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Jeffrey E. Herrick
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Michelle M. Mattocks
USDA Agricultural Research Service
David Toledo
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Justin Van Zee
USDA Agricultural Research Service
PS 83-126
Independent assesments of fPAR for a mixed hardwood forest using a variety of optical approaches
Steven R. Garrity
University of Idaho
Kim L. Mueller
University of Michigan
Anna M. Michalak
Carnegie Institution for Science
Lee A. Vierling
University of Idaho
Brady Hardiman
Ohio State University
Christoph S. Vogel
University of Michigan
PS 83-127
Landscape genetics of the threatened gopher tortoise,
Gopherus polyphemus
Rachel A. Wallace
University of New Orleans
Nicola M. Anthony
University of New Orleans
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