2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

COS 224 - Fire 3

Interaction between drought and prescribed fire reduces Pinus growth
Mary Anne S. Sayer, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station; Michael C. Tyree, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Dylan N. Dillaway, Unity College
Burn severity, repeat fires, and forest management interact to influence forest structure in northeastern Washington, USA
Van Kane, University of Washington; C. Cansler, USDA Forest Service; Jonathan T. Kane, University of Washington; Bryce Bartl-Geller, University of Washington; Nicholas A. Povak, USDA-FS, Pacific Northwest Research Station; James A. Lutz, Utah State University; Derek Churchill, Washington Department of Natural Resources; Paul F. Hessburg, USDA-FS, Pacific Northwest Research Station; Andrew Larson, University of Montana
A multi-scale method for assessing fire effects on wildlife habitat
Ho Yi Wan, University of Montana; Joseph L. Ganey, US Forest Service; Samuel A. Cushman, US Forest Service
Effects of wildfire on belowground carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the Sierra Nevada
Mary Brady, University of Nevada, Reno; Erin Hanan, University of Nevada, Reno; Jessica R. Miesel, Michigan State University; Jonathan Greenberg, University of Nevada, Reno; Matthew Dickinson, US Forest Service; Carol Ewell, US Forest Service; Laura Wade, University of Nevada, Reno
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