2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 - 6)

WK 33 - NASA Data Made Easy: Tools for the Ecological Data Revolution

Sara Lubkin
Cynthia Hall
An Ecological Data Revolution is underway giving ecologists unprecedented insights to Earth’s systems and driven by the integration and harmonization of data sources from multiple spatial scales. Traditional field data provide observations of organisms and their environment on the local to regional level. NASA satellite-based remote sensing data complements field data with environmental variables such as temperature and precipitation, and vegetative data such as canopy height and evaporative stress.

NASA data are free and open, but not always intuitively discoverable and accessible. NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) program and Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) have developed resources and tools to overcome this challenge. In this workshop, we will demonstrate resources for ecologists wishing to get started using NASA data.

Participants will learn how to get started using NASA tools and data. No previous remote sensing experience required.

Registration Fee: $0

Sara Lubkin, NASA Headquarters
NASA Earthdata resources
Cynthia Hall, NASA
Land Processes DAAC data and tools
Cole Krehbiel, Innovate!, Inc.
See more of: Workshops