Within this workshop we provide participants hands-on training on novel software tools: R packages to process dendrometer and sap flow data, and PhytoSim models to integrate data and unravel underlying mechanisms. Dendrometer functionalities include the option to align measurements to regular time intervals, remove outliers and correct for data-jumps. Additionally, parameters such as yearly growth or maximum daily shrinkage are provided. For sap flow data processing, we present functionalities for importing and homogenising raw measurements, conducting various data-processing approaches, calculating sap flux density and crown conductance, and their uncertainties. For the dendrometer-sap flow combination, we focus on turgor-driven growth and hydraulics.
Guided by example datasets, this interactive workshop presents a benchmark for dendrometer and sap flow data processing methods and facilitates greater potential for improving comparability between datasets. Participants should use laptops with an installed copy of R/RStudio (rstudio.com) and/or PhytoSim (phyto-it.com).
Follow this link to view the course materials
Registration Fee: $0