2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

PS 53 - Latebreaking: Climate Change

Friday, August 10, 2018: 8:30 AM-10:30 AM
ESA Exhibit Hall, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Species distribution of Puerto Rican butterflies and effects of future climate change
Luis E. Velazquez Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez; Catherine Hulshof, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Evolutionary adaptation contributed to the persistence of a boreal tree species north of the North American ice sheets during the last ice age
Guillaume de Lafontaine, Université du Québec à Rimouski; Joseph D. Napier, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Feng Sheng Hu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The effect of recent landscape modification on ecological parameters of Northeast Shark River Slough (NESS), Everglades National Park (ENP)
Sanku Dattamudi, Florida International University; Leonard J. Scinto, Florida International University; Saoli Chanda, Florida International University; Diana Johnson, Florida International University
Climate change in the sagebrush steppe region: A seed's perspective
Tyson J. Terry, Utah State University; Stuart P. Hardegree, USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center; Matthew D. Madsen, Brigham Young University; Samuel B. St Clair, Brigham Young University; Bruce A. Roundy, Brigham Young University
Crabs and coastal communities: A transdisciplinary examination of the potential impacts of a Dungeness crab distribution shift under changing ocean conditions
Caitlin L. Magel, Oregon State University; Andrew D. Jensen, Oregon State University; Elizabeth M.J. Lee, Oregon State University; Astrea M. Strawn, Oregon State University; Kelsey Swieca, Oregon State University
Novel microbial communities expected with climate change increase plant production
Joshua S. Lynn, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, University of New Mexico; Danielle A. Duarte, University of New Mexico; Jennifer Rudgers, University of New Mexico, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
Black mangrove expansion into the salt marshes of the Mississippi River Delta plain influences aquatic faunal communities
Christina E. Powell, Louisiana State University; Melissa M. Baustian, The Water Institute of the Gulf; Michael J. Polito, Louisiana State University
Leaf shape variation in the carnivorous pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea in response to environmental cues in the field and greenhouse experiments
Carolyn Sizemore, Florida State University; Scarlett Roy, Florida State University; Thomas E. Miller, Florida State University
The control of stomata by leaf water status: Trade-off between safety and efficiency
Christian Henry, University of California Los Angeles; Grace P. John, University of Texas, Austin; Megan K. Bartlett, Princeton University; Christine Scoffoni, California State University; Lawren Sack, University of California Los Angeles
Chasing tree die-off: Testing near-term ecological forecasting throughout emerging extreme drought
Jason P. Field, University of Arizona; David D. Breshears, University of Arizona; Charles J.W. Carroll, Colorado State University; Neil S. Cobb, Northern Arizona University; Darin Law, University of Arizona; Nashelly Meneses, Northern Arizona University; Miranda D. Redmond, Colorado State University
Effect of nitrogen addition on understory community in a Chinese boreal forest
Aijun Xing, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Longchao Xu, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Haihua Shen, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Enzai Du, Beijing Normal University; Xiuyuan Liu, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Jingyun Fang, Institute of Botany, CAS, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Asymmetric responses of soluble sugar and starch storages in plants to global environmental changes
Ying Du, East China Normal University; Jianyang Xia, East China Normal University
Patterns of long-term change in community composition differ between habitat types
Joseph S. Black, University of Arizona; Joseph Braasch, University of Arizona; Katrina M. Dlugosch, University of Arizona
As temperature increases, predator attack rate is more important to survival than a smaller window of prey vulnerability
Adam Pepi, University of California Davis; Patrick Grof-Tisza, University of California, Davis; Marcel Holyoak, University of California, Davis; Rick Karban, University of California at Davis
Acid in the intertidal: Possible benefits of ocean acidification to sea anemone-algal symbiosis
Natalie B. Coleman, Western Washington Unviversity; Brian Bingham, Shannon Point Marine Center
Glycine betaine (GB) accumulation in black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) is related to salt and temperature stress
Audrey Shor, Saint Leo University; Christopher J. Miller, Saint Leo University; Ilka C. Feller, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Testing for a trade-off between growth and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis ecotypes
Leila Fletcher, University of California, Los Angeles; Christine Scoffoni, California State University; Camila Dias Barros Medeiros, University of California, Los Angeles; Lawren Sack, University of California Los Angeles
Plant-water sourcing in a Peruvian tropical montane cloud forest
Roxy Cruz-De Hoyos, University of California, Berkeley; Emily Burt, University of Southern California; Joshua West, University of Southern California; Daniel B. Metcalfe, Lund University; Todd Dawson, University of California Berkeley
Effects of ocean acidification on larval and post settlement white abalone
Sara E. Boles, University of California, Davis; Daniel S. Swezey, University of California, Davis; Andrew Whitehead, University of California, Davis; Kristin M. Aquilino, University of California, Davis
PS 53-76
Upper thermal tolerance in tropical alpine paramo plants (widthdrawn)
Eloisa Lasso, Universidad de los Andes; Indira V. León-García, Universidad de Los Andes
See more of: Latebreaking Posters