2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

COS 105 - Species Interactions II

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
252, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
8:00 AM
Between a predator and a parasitoid: Complex interactions between caterpillars, shelter traits and natural enemies in a tropical dry forest
Christina S. Baer, Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center, University of Missouri-St. Louis, University of Connecticut; Robert J. Marquis, Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center, University of Missouri - St. Louis
8:20 AM
Comparing context dependency of plant parasitism to competition
Drake E. Mullett, Chicago Botanic Garden, Northwestern University; Paul CaraDonna, Northwestern University; Jeremie Fant, Northwestern University
8:40 AM
How species interactions shape the diversity of vertebrates across Europe
Laura Pollock, CNRS; Matthew V. Talluto, CNRS; G. Francesco Ficetola, Università degli Studi di Milano; Luigi Maiorano, La Sapienza University of Rome; Wilfried Thuiller, CNRS
9:00 AM
Can species interactions and species co-occurrence be reconciled? Theory, experiments, and network approaches to a problem of causal inference
Allison K. Barner, University of California, Berkeley; Kyle Coblentz, Oregon State University; Sally D. Hacker, Oregon State University; Bruce A. Menge, Oregon State University
9:20 AM
Linking metrics of predator functional diversity with predator-prey theory to predict effects of changes in consumer diversity: A comparison of new and existing approaches
Michael McCoy, East Carolina University; Elizabeth A. Hamman, East Carolina University; James R. Vonesh, Virginia Commonwealth University; Benjamin M. Bolker, McMaster University
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
Hidden players of plant function: Variation in microbiome source influences phenotype variation in a common perennial
Kendall Beals, University of Tennessee; Jennifer A. Schweitzer, University of Tennessee
10:30 AM
Species-specific interactions in bryophyte-avian dispersal networks
Matthew W. Chmielewski, Portland State University; Sarah M. Eppley, Portland State University
10:50 AM
Knowing your limits: Understanding the role of interspecific interactions in structuring range boundaries
Staci Amburgey, Penn State University; David A.W. Miller, Penn State University; Evan H. Campbell Grant, USGS; Adrianne B. Brand, U.S. Geological Survey; Andrew Dietrich, U.S. Geological Survey
11:10 AM
Winning the battle but losing the war: How a joint “spatial anchor” influences the predator-prey response race
Justine A. Smith, University of California, Berkeley; Emiliano Donadio, INIBIOMA, UNcoma, CONICET; Jonathan N. Pauli, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Michael J. Sheriff, Pennsylvania State University; Arthur D. Middleton, University of California - Berkeley
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