2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

OOS 31 - Ecological Connectivity in a Changing World

Thursday, August 9, 2018: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
346-347, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Ruth Chaves Heindel
Eric R. Sokol and John E. Barrett
Ruth Chaves Heindel
Connectivity is a term used across disciplines to describe the transfer of water, energy, sediment, genes, and organisms across boundaries. Such a broad usage of the term connectivity can generate confusion but also has the potential to facilitate an interdisciplinary discussion about how the concept is applied across scales of ecological organization. Hydrologic connectivity, sediment connectivity, habitat connectivity, and population connectivity all have distinct definitions but may share important drivers and implications. For instance, for many disciplines the concept is central to understanding dynamics that can either maintain or disrupt ecosystem stability. This session will bring together scientists with disparate definitions of ecological connectivity to discuss the importance of the concept in diverse ecosystems. Talks will address how connectivity may be critical to understanding ecosystem responses to a changing world. Speakers will be asked to consider the following questions: How do you define connectivity? How might your concept of connectivity apply to other systems or other disciplines? How do you anticipate connectivity changing in your system? What are the ecological implications of altered connectivity? This session will challenge ESA attendees to consider why diverse ecosystems may respond differently to changes in connectivity, and will foster conversation on the best way for ecologists to approach this interdisciplinary concept.
1:30 PM
Can connectivity-mediated feedbacks to vegetation explain surprising ecological responses to catastrophic events?
Debra P. C. Peters, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Nathan Burruss, Jornada Basin LTER Program; Gregory S. Okin, University of California, Los Angeles; Jerry L. Hatfield, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Colby W. Brungard, New Mexico State University
1:50 PM
State change and connectivity: Essential linkages in drylands
Greg Okin, UCLA; Enrique R. Vivoni, Arizona State University; Osvaldo E. Sala, Arizona State University
2:10 PM
Connectivity and invasion dynamics in Mediterranean grasslands
Lauren M. Hallett, University of Oregon; Emily Farrer, Tulane University; Claudia Stein, Washington University in St. Louis; Richard J. Hobbs, The University of Western Australia; Katharine N. Suding, University of Colorado
2:30 PM
Plant species identity affects ecosystem connectivity (retention and erosion) in coastal wetlands during a major hurricane
John Kominoski, Florida International University; Anna Armitage, Texas A&M University at Galveston; Sean P. Charles, Florida International University; Amanda Kominoski, Florida International University; Steven Pennings, University of Houston; Carolyn A. Weaver, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
2:50 PM
Spatial marine metacommunity connectivity and the response of the Coral Triangle to climate change
Lisa C. McManus, University of Hawaii; James R. Watson, Oregon State University; Vitor Vasconsales, Princeton University; Simon A. Levin, Princeton University
3:10 PM
3:40 PM
Wetland connectivity in human-modified landscapes: linked hydrological, ecological, and biogeochemical effects
Heather Golden, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Grey Evenson, Virginia Tech; Charles Lane, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Daniel McLaughlin, Virginia Tech
4:00 PM
Determining changes to landscape connectivity with "too much summer" at Niwot Ridge LTER
Eve-Lyn S. Hinckley, University of Colorado Boulder; Anna Hermes, University of Colorado, Boulder; Oliver Wigmore, University of Colorado, Boulder; Youchao Chen, University of Colorado, Boulder; Ben Livneh, University of Colorado, Boulder
4:20 PM
The legacies of waxing and waning connectivity in a polar desert ecosystem
Michael N. Gooseff, University of Colorado; Diane McKnight, University of Colorado; Adam Wlostowski, University of Colorado; Nicholas Schulte, University of Colorado; Byron J. Adams, Brigham Young University; John C. Priscu, Montana State University; Diana Wall, Colorado State University; W. Berry Lyons, The Ohio State University; Kathy Welch, University of Colorado
4:40 PM
Social-ecological connectivity in urban ecosystems: What we have learned from 20 years of LTER research in Phoenix
Daniel L. Childers, Arizona State University; Kelli L. Larson, Arizona State University