2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5 -- 10)

INS 6-9 - Restoring America's delta

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
244, New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Gary P. Shaffer, Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA
Wetlands of the Mississippi River Delta suffer from nutrient deprivation, saltwater intrusion, and one of the highest rates of relative sea-level rise on Earth. To combat these stressors we need a dozen large (>15,000 m3 s-1) River re-introductions. To maintain estuarine gradients, these diversions would be rotated such that each one only operates for 4 months once every 3 years. Said operation could result in up to 40 cm of elevation gain with each opening. Assimilation wetlands, which introduce treated wastewater to degraded wetlands, offer the second best restoration approach and can biologically build 2 cm of elevation per year.