98th ESA Annual Meeting (August 4 -- 9, 2013)

PS 10 - Biogeochemistry: C And N Cycling In Response To Global Change

Monday, August 5, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
Can peatland plants take up organic nitrogen?
Tim R. Moore, McGill University; Amanda Alfonso, McGill University; Beverley R. Clarkson, Landcare Research
Partitioning root and heterotrophic respiration from soil CO2 efflux in clonal loblolly pine plantations that differ in growth efficiency and carbon allocation
Chris A. Maier, USDA Forest Service; Daniel McInnis, US Forest Service; Kurt H. Johnsen, USDA Forest Service
PS 10-94
Can current forest biomass accumulation lead to long-term carbon storage? (widthdrawn)
Ensheng Weng, Princeton University; Stephen W. Pacala, Princeton University
Long-term experimental nitrogen deposition alters the composition of the active fungal community in the forest floor
Elizabeth M. Entwistle, University of Michigan; Donald R. Zak, University of Michigan
Hydrological response of an upland oak/pine forest on the Atlantic Coastal Plain to drought and disturbance
Karina VR Schafer, Rutgers University Newark; Kenneth L. Clark, USDA Forest Service; David M. Medvigy, Princeton University; Heidi J. Renninger, Rutgers University
Soil carbon cycling response to long-term nitrogen addition varies across ecosystem types on nutrient-poor soils
Clare E. Kazanski, University of Minnesota; Sarah E. Hobbie, University of Minnesota
Developing a high-latitude soil carbon cycle model with a focus on trait-based representation of decomposition
Nicholas J. Bouskill, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Jinyun Tang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; William Riley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Eoin L. Brodie, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Effects of nutrient enrichment on size and cycling of multiple soil organic matter pools
Charlotte E. Riggs, University of Minnesota; Elizabeth M. Bach, Iowa State University; Sarah E. Hobbie, University of Minnesota; Kirsten S. Hofmockel, Iowa State University; Nutrient Network, Multiple Institutions
Plant-microbial associations and n fixation: Sensitivity to changing moisture levels in a Lake Michigan beach-ridge system
Shana L. Ederer, University of Wisconsin at Madison; Sara Hotchkiss, University of Wisconsin
Less increase in apparent than intrinsic Q10 of soil carbon release
Junyi Liang, University of Oklahoma; Yiqi Luo, University of Oklahoma
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