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PS 9
- Biogeochemistry: Biogeo Patterns Along Environmental Gradients
Monday, August 5, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 9-82
More reduction in plant productivity than respiration under extreme drought across grassland types along a rainfall gradient: A modeling analysis
Zheng Shi
University of Oklahoma
Yiqi Luo
University of Oklahoma
Alan Knapp
Colorado State University
Melinda Smith
Colorado State University
Scott L. Collins
University of New Mexico
Will Pockman
University of New Mexico
PS 9-83
Environmental controls on nutrient dynamics in a longleaf pine forest: How do soil moisture and fire interval affect plant-available nutrients?
Cari D. Ficken
Duke University
Gregory M. Ames
Duke University
Steve Anderson
Duke University
Matthew G. Hohmann
US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC - CERL
Justin Wright
Duke University
PS 9-84
Inter-annual variation in precipitation affects the spatial heterogeneity of soil CO
efflux in a West Virginia watershed
Jeff Atkins
University of Virginia Dept. of Environmental Sciences
Howard Epstein
University of Virginia
Daniel L. Welsch
Canaan Valley Institute
PS 9-85
Synergistic soil response to nitrogen plus phosphorus fertilization in hardwood forests
Shinjini Goswami
Miami University
Melany C. Fisk
Miami University
Tera J. Ratliff
Miami University
Ruth D. Yanai
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
PS 9-86
Biological controls of aquatic nitrogen fixation rates in a northern california stream ecosystem
Anika R. Bratt
University of Minnesota
Jacques C. Finlay
University of Minnesota
J.R. Welter
St. Catherine University
Jackelyn B. Goldschmidt
St. Catherine University
PS 9-87
When the manure hits the land: Carbon sequestration potential of organic matter amendments to California annual grasslands
Justine J. Owen
University of California Berkeley
Whendee L. Silver
University of California, Berkeley
PS 9-88
Changes in physical and chemical soil characteristics and their impact on soil CO
efflux during secondary succession
Stesha L. Dunker
University of Virginia
Howard Epstein
University of Virginia
Aaron L. Mills
University of Virginia
PS 9-89
The influence of water table position on soil microbial processes and carbon mineralization in a mid latitude spruce peatland
Allison L. Gill
Boston University
Adrien C. Finzi
Boston University
PS 9-90
Soil texture mediates nitrogen losses from intensifying agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Maya Almaraz
Brown University
Katherine L. Tully
Columbia University
Cheryl Palm
Agriculture and Food Security Center, The Earth Institute, Columbia University
Stephen Porder
Brown University
Christopher Neill
Marine Biological Laboratory
PS 9-91
Do increased N inputs influence rates of soil N cycling in high-elevation red spruce (
Picea rubens
forests along a gradient of atmospheric deposition?
Justin M. Mathias
West Virginia University
Kenneth R. Smith
West Virginia University
Brenden E. McNeil
West Virginia University
William T. Peterjohn
West Virginia University
Richard B. Thomas
West Virginia University
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