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PS 44
- Education: Community-Based Learning
Wednesday, August 7, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
PS 44-108
Why are we cutting longleaf pine to plant longleaf pine? Development of a technical assistance team to stop this madness
John Kush
Auburn University
John C. Gilbert
Auburn University
Becky Barlow
Auburn University
Sharon M. Hermann
Auburn University
Dwight K. Lauer
Auburn University
PS 44-109
Engaging students in plant ecology with vegetation management plans for local natural areas: Benefits to cognition and community
Amanda Little
University of Wisconsin-Stout
PS 44-110
Bridging the gap between public visitors at Lacawac Sanctuary and lake researchers: Developing outreach materials on advanced environmental sensors
Lesley B. Knoll
Lacawac Sanctuary Field Station
Jeff R. Babb
Miami University
PS 44-111
The NSF Broader Impacts requirement: An opportunity for ecologist engagement in public outreach?
Casey L. Taylor
Oregon State University
Brent S. Steel
Oregon State University
PS 44-112
Lessons learned establishing a science scholars program through NSF S-STEM
Jim D. Winter
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Janet Lanza
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
PS 44-113
A century later: A multi-disciplinary effort to share the lessons from the extinction of the passenger pigeon (
Ectopistes migratorius
David Blockstein
National Council for Science and Environment
Joel Greenberg
Project Passenger Pigeon
Steve Sullivan
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
Stanley Temple
University of Wisconsin-Madison & Aldo Leopold Foundation
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