The NSF S-STEM program supports scholarship and enrichment programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The purpose of the S-STEM program is to attract more students to STEM fields, increase the number of STEM graduates, improve their quality, and increase their academic progress, in part by freeing students from the necessity of holding a job. Grant funds are allocated primarily to scholarships and funds for running programs are severely limited. Scholarship funds can only be awarded to talented and financially needy (as determined by FAFSA results) students. We have directed an S-STEM project since 2008 for students majoring in biology, chemistry, and geology; we have admitted talented students whether or not they have need but only fund those whose FAFSA demonstrates need. We have learned much about financial aid procedures, student recruitment and retention, finding allies and collaborators on campus, predictors of student success, and institutionalization of the project.
Since 2008, we admitted 98 students into the University Science Scholars Program (USSP). Of these students, 13.3% have graduated, 56.7% remain in the program, and 6% are in STEM but on academic probation in USSP. The remaining 24% have changed to a non-STEM field (12%), or left UALR (12%). Over time we have recruited more and better students. Our approach has been to develop a learning community and build an esprit de corps by providing a science-oriented freshmen experience course, enrolling students in common sections of courses, housing students together, and arranging social events. We provide in-depth, individualized advising, workshops, seminars, and field trips to local graduate schools and prospective employers. We also promote undergraduate research and internships. Progress in achieving our goals has been gradual and we have now learned enough about our university's financial aid policies, and about recruiting, advising, and inspiring students that we feel the program will be sustainable. We provide tips that we have learned about financial aid rules, interacting with financial aid and other scholarship programs, finding campus partners, recruiting and selecting students, communicating with students, developing a learning community, retaining students, and institutionalizing the program.