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PS 56
- Paleoecology
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 56-156
Impacts of Climate and Landform on Boreal Forest Fire Regimes over the last 6000 years
Carolyn M. Barrett
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Benjamin Clegg
University of Illinois
Philip E. Higuera
University of Idaho
Feng Sheng Hu
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
PS 56-157
Recurrent fires and gallery forest-savanna history inferred from a paleoecological record of Gran Sabana, Venezuela
Alejandra V. Leal
Universidad Simón BolÃvar
Bibiana A. Bilbao
Universidad Simón BolÃvar
Juan C. Berrio
University of Leicester
PS 56-158
A comparative study of testate amoebae and δ
C of
as surface-moisture proxies in Alaskan peatlands
Erin R. Markel
Lehigh University
Robert K. Booth
Lehigh University
Joan M. Ramage
Lehigh University
PS 56-159
Antiquity and turnover of North American terrestrial ecosystems: Multivariate and ROC analyses of North American pollen data
Yao Liu
University of Wyoming
Simon C. Brewer
University of Wyoming
Stephen T. Jackson
U.S. Geological Survey
PS 56-160
A Taphonomic perspective on the late holocene biogeography of freshwater mussels in north Texas
Charles R. Randklev
University of North Texas
Steve Wolverton
University of North Texas
James H. Kennedy
University of North Texas (UNT)
PS 56-161
Paul Sears and the development of palynology, a field central to understanding climate and vegetation change: An example of chance and the prepared mind
Juliana C. Mulroy
Denison University
Sally L. White
Morrison, CO
Linda C. K. Shane
University of Minnesota (retired)
Thomas W. Mulroy
Leidos/Scientific Applications International Corporation
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