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PS 57
- Population Dynamics and Regulation
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 57-162
Dispersal of dimorphic seeds in heterogeneous environments
Brittany J. Teller
Pennsylvania State University
Katriona Shea
The Pennsylvania State University
PS 57-163
Elevational gradient in the cyclicity of a forest-defoliating insect
Kyle J. Haynes
University of Virginia
Andrew M. Liebhold
USDA Forest Service
Derek M. Johnson
Virginia Commonwealth University
PS 57-164
Allee effects cause source-sink dynamics between homogeneous habitat patches
Derek M. Johnson
Virginia Commonwealth University
Kyle J. Haynes
University of Virginia
PS 57-165
Modeling the influence of climate on reproduction in an obligate alpine herbivore
Vijay P. Patil
University of Alaska Fairbanks
David Hik
University of Alberta
Tim J. Karels
California State University
PS 57-166
How pollination, seed dispersal and life form characteristics lead to bias sex ratios in dioecious plants
Jordan P. Sinclair
Wayne State University
Kasandra Rose
Wayne State University
D.C. Freeman
Wayne State University
PS 57-167
Sources of asynchrony in a yucca aphid (
Aphis yuccae
) metapopulation
Miroslav Kummel
Colorado College
PS 57-168
The contribution of perennial plants to the annual community, in a desert ecosystem
Naama Berg
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Yosef Steinberger
Bar Ilan University
PS 57-169
Duration and variability in host development time: Effects on parasitoid functional response
James T. Cronin
Louisiana State University
John D. Reeve
Southern Illinois University
Dashun Xu
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
MingQing Xiao
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
PS 57-170
Priority effects: Initial densities alter exponential growth rates of competing species
Kristin L. Matulich
University of California, Irvine
Ian T. Carroll
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Bradley J. Cardinale
University of Michigan
PS 57-171
Demographic vital rates and population growth: rethinking the relationship in a harvested elk population
Jonathan M. Conard
Kansas State University
Philip S. Gipson
Texas Tech University
PS 57-172
Effects of forest edges on population dynamics in a successional system
Kimberly A. Lang
Eastern Illinois University
Scott Meiners
Eastern Illinois University
PS 57-173
The effect of seed size on the germination success and fitness of Dithyrea californica
Eugenio Larios
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
PS 57-174
Evidence for coupled dynamics among populations of the felted beech scale and associated
species, causal agents of beech bark disease
Jeff Garnas
University of Pretoria
David R. Houston
USFS retired
Celia Evans
Paul Smiths College
Matthew P. Ayres
Dartmouth College
PS 57-175
Amphibian life history and extinction risk in an uncertain and stressful world
Christopher J. Salice
Texas Tech University
PS 57-176
Population dynamics of
Ariocarpus fissuratus
in populations with different density
M. Rosa Mancilla
Instituto de EcologÃa. Universidad Nacional Atónoma de México
MarÃa C. Mandujano
Instituto de EcologÃa. Universidad Nacional Atónoma de México
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