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PS 10
- Education: Pedagogy
Monday, August 3, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 10-91
Locate and publish digital teaching materials using ESA's EcoEd Digital Library
Kenneth M. Klemow
Wilkes University
Jennifer Riem
Ecological Society of America
PS 10-92
Linking a biology course with a communications course: An interdisciplinary approach for non-majors biology
Teresa K. Heisey
Lehigh Carbon Community College
PS 10-93
Using Ecosystem Ecology as a framework for integrating science content and basic skills lessons in a 5
grade classroom
Kyle A. Whittinghill
University of Michigan
Myla Pope
John A. Johnson Elementary School
Nick Faber
John A. Johnson Elementary School
PS 10-94
Success of mentoring sessions in a large-lecture introductory biology course
David J. Grisé
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Courtney T. Lee
Texas A&M-Galveston
PS 10-95
Experiencing biomes at a zoo: A second look at a non-traditional approach to teaching an ecological concept-based course at a liberal arts college
Chintamani S. Manish
Midland Lutheran College
Lance R. Johnson
Midland Lutheran College
PS 10-96
CANCELLED - Incorporating research methodology with ecological techniques to build a new inquiry-based model for teaching traditional ecology laboratories
Katherine E. B. Law
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Kyle N. Hankinson
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Emily C. Huezo
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Brittany N. Hepting
Our Lady of Holy Cross College
PS 10-97
CANCELLED - Linking photosynthesis, respiration, and atmospheric CO
: An inquiry-based mini-course for K-12 teachers
Jennifer H. Doherty
University of Washington
Lori H. Spindler
University of Pennsylvania
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