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PS 9
- Education: Community-Based Learning
Monday, August 3, 2009: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall NE & SE, Albuquerque Convention Center
PS 9-85
Evaluating experiential education through an intertidal ecology field trip
Kate Lowry
Stanford University - SEEDS
Cynthia Wilber
Stanford University
Rodolfo Dirzo
Stanford University
PS 9-86
Introducing ecological concepts into a nursing program in western Oklahoma
Carol S. Kish
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Peter A. Kish
Moravian Academy
PS 9-87
The TREE Program: Bringing ecological research to local students
Jeramie T. Strickland
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Lori Neuman-Lee
Utah State University
Shannon Thol
Iowa State University
Fredric Janzen
Iowa State University
PS 9-88
Maintaining diversity at the wastewater treatment facility: using undergraduate science classes to approach local issues
Nicole Lowen
Carthage College
Kara Lewandowski
Carthage College
Stephanie Herte
Carthage College
Ray DeVries
Carthage College
Tracy Gartner
Carthage College
PS 9-89
Protecting ecological resources and providing environmental education through the Natural Areas Program, Fort Collins, Colorado
David A. Pillard
AECOM Environment
Susan Schafer
City of Fort Collins
Sue Kenney
City of Fort Collins
Zoe Whyman
City of Fort Collins
PS 9-90
Providing links between laboratory and real world understandings of ecology: interactive science programs at Biosphere 2
Ashley L. Wiede
University of Arizona
Matt Adamson
University of Arizona
Mitchell Pavao-Zuckerman
University of Arizona
Travis E. Huxman
University of California, Irvine
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