94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)

SS 10 - Alternative Ecological Restoration Designs for Mined Landscapes: Strategies that Integrate Natural and Social Communities to Remediate Their Ecosystems

Monday, August 3, 2009: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Mesilla, Albuquerque Convention Center
Saleem H. Ali
Samir K. Doshi
Saleem H. Ali
T. Allan Comp , Mark Roberts , Gary A. Campbell , Samir K. Doshi and Saleem H. Ali
Previous applications of reclamation on mined landscapes have traditionally concentrated on engineered solutions to the natural environment alone, without any collaboration from social communities. Often the emphasis of regulators and mine operators focuses on resource extraction alone, with mine closures addressing the minimum regulatory requirement and leaving little regard for community welfare afterwards. Case studies presented will explore how participation from local communities can lead to a restored landscape that benefits both the natural and social components of the ecosystem. Specific examples include projects on Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), restoration bridging the fields of art and science, soil formation on mountaintop removal mines, mercury contamination from gold mines, and others. The speakers will represent research and projects from a diverse collection of geographic locations: New Mexico, Colorado, Wisconsin, Virginia, as well as international mine sites. This session looks to address emerging approaches and strategies for a more systems-oriented methodology to mine restoration. Moreover, the speakers will initiate a dialogue on how mine restoration will evolve amidst the growing concern of environmental and social issues such as climate change.
See more of: Special Session