Monday, August 3, 2009: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
San Miguel, Albuquerque Convention Center
David D. Breshears
Laura López Hoffman
Lisa J. Graumlich
Laura López Hoffman
David D. Breshears
Lisa J. Graumlich
This session is sponsored by the Ecological Society of America Board of Professional Certification. Ecologists are increasing focusing on developing linkages between “Ecological Knowledge and a Globally Sustainable Society†– the theme of the 2009 ESA Annual Meeting – through improved assessments of ecosystem goods and services and how to manage them. However, two key types of challenges are particularly vexing when addressing management options associated with ecosystems goods and services. The first challenge is dealing with boundary jumps such as land-holder or national borders. The second challenge is dealing with abrupt changes associated with climate change impacts. Both challenges require a rethinking of how options for ecosystems goods and services can be retained and specifically considering options related to networking among stakeholders that might otherwise operate independently. In this special session, we propose to present three case studies that highlight these challenges: USA-Mexico trans-border issues, drought-induced vegetation die-off across the Southwest, and cutthroat trout at Yellowstone. We plan to present a developing framework that could facilitate retention of ecosystem goods and services to launch an interactive discussion that would be central goal of this special session. We anticipate an audience range of 50 to 150. Our special session addresses the theme of the meeting and an area with rapidly growing interest in the ecological community.