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PS 51
- Paleoecology
Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 51-165
Analysis of the government land office surveys for three counties in west-central Illinois
Richard B. Brugam
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Paul Kilburn
Principia College
Laura Luecking
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Brian Tutterow
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
PS 51-166
Chemical properties, decomposition, and methane production of Cenozoic analog plant litters: Implications for atmospheric trace gas production in the early Cenozoic
Joseph B. Yavitt
Cornell University
Christopher J. Williams
Franklin and Marshall College
PS 51-167
The potential application of testate amoebae as proxies for seasonal-to-annual hydrologic variability
Maura E. Sullivan
Lehigh University
Robert K. Booth
Lehigh University
PS 51-168
New pollen cores from southwest Alaska show variation in the timing of ecosystem change
Patricia Heiser
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Nancy Bigelow
University of Alaska Fairbanks
PS 51-169
Estimating C
- and C
-grass abundance in the paleorecord: Development and application of SPIRAL (Single Pollen Isotope Ratio AnaLysis)
David Nelson
University of South Alabama
Feng Sheng Hu
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dirk Verschuren
Ghent University
Ann Pearson
Harvard University
PS 51-170
Spatial patterns and causes of the late Holocene beech decline in the Great Lakes region
Robert K. Booth
Lehigh University
Valerie A. Sousa
Lehigh University
Stephen T. Jackson
U.S. Geological Survey
Maura E. Sullivan
Lehigh University
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