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PS 52
- Urban Ecosystems
Wednesday, August 6, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 52-171
Investigating vegetation dynamics of vacant lots and community gardens in an urban watershed
Yvette Williams
University of Maryland Baltimore County
PS 52-172
Abundance of invasive
along an urban gradient - CANCELLED
Jenna M. Ervin
New College of Florida
Jessica Wheeler
New College of Florida
Trevor Caughlin
New College of Florida
PS 52-173
A synthesis of the ecological properties and processes of urban residential landscapes
Elizabeth M. Cook
Universidad Austral de Chile
Sharon J. Hall
Arizona State University
Kelli L. Larson
Arizona State University
PS 52-174
If you build it, will they stay? Using passerine nestlings as bioindicators of heavy metal accumulation at a former brownfield site
Charles C. Hofer
Rutgers University
Claus Holzapfel
Rutgers University
PS 52-175
A comparison of atmospheric methods for determining the sources of atmospheric CO
in urban ecosystems
Sonja Djuricin
University of California, Irvine
Diane Pataki
University of Utah
Xiaomei Xu
University of California, Irvine
PS 52-176
Hydrology and hyporheic nitrogen biogeochemistry in a geomorphically degraded urban stream
Paul Mayer
USEPA, National Health and Environmental Research Laboratory
Peter M. Groffman
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Sujay S. Kaushal
University of Maryland
Elise Striz
US Environmental Protection Agency
PS 52-177
Larval salamanders are flushed downstream more frequently on substrates common to urban streams
Kyle Barrett
Clemson University
Craig Guyer
Auburn University
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