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PS 65
- Predation and Predator-Prey Interactions
Thursday, August 7, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 65-124
Predation of painted turtle (
Chrysemys picta
nests: Examining potential attractants and deterrents on a habitat scale
Jeramie T. Strickland
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Fredric J. Janzen
Iowa State University
PS 65-125
Evolutionary ecology of defense in slug caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae)
Susannah M. Leahy
The George Washington University
John T. Lill
George Washington University
Shannon M. Murphy
University of Denver
PS 65-126
The effect of dispersal on predation rate in experimental insect metacommunities
David J. Stasek
Miami University
Thomas O. Crist
Miami University
PS 65-127
Fish isotopic niches along a predation gradient in streams draining Trinidad’s northern range
Eugenia Zandona
Drexel University
Michael C. Marshall
University of Georgia
Susan S. Kilham
Drexel University
Steve A. Thomas
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alexander Flecker
Cornell University
Catherine M. Pringle
University of Georgia
PS 65-128
Is there a relationship between the size and mortality of land crabs?
Belén M. Rosado
University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón
Concepción Rodríguez
University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón
PS 65-129
The water: Organic material threshold resource ratio for consumption of crickets by spiders
Kevin E. McCluney
Bowling Green State University
Puja Umaretiya
Arizona State University
John L. Sabo
Arizona State University
Stephanie Prevost
Arizona State University
PS 65-130
Size-structured predator-prey interactions in a two-species system
Patrick W. Crumrine
Rowan University
PS 65-131
Origins of water-borne cues that induce threat-sensitive behavior in a mosquito predator-prey system
Esther V. Dubrovsky
Illinois State University
Steven A. Juliano
Illinois State University
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