93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

PS 65 - Predation and Predator-Prey Interactions

Thursday, August 7, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
Predation of painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) nests: Examining potential attractants and deterrents on a habitat scale
Jeramie T. Strickland, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Fredric J. Janzen, Iowa State University
Evolutionary ecology of defense in slug caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae)
Susannah M. Leahy, The George Washington University; John T. Lill, George Washington University; Shannon M. Murphy, University of Denver
The effect of dispersal on predation rate in experimental insect metacommunities
David J. Stasek, Miami University; Thomas O. Crist, Miami University
Fish isotopic niches along a predation gradient in streams draining Trinidad’s northern range
Eugenia Zandona, Drexel University; Michael C. Marshall, University of Georgia; Susan S. Kilham, Drexel University; Steve A. Thomas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Alexander Flecker, Cornell University; Catherine M. Pringle, University of Georgia
Is there a relationship between the size and mortality of land crabs?
Belén M. Rosado, University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón; Concepción Rodríguez, University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón
The water: Organic material threshold resource ratio for consumption of crickets by spiders
Kevin E. McCluney, Bowling Green State University; Puja Umaretiya, Arizona State University; John L. Sabo, Arizona State University; Stephanie Prevost, Arizona State University
Origins of water-borne cues that induce threat-sensitive behavior in a mosquito predator-prey system
Esther V. Dubrovsky, Illinois State University; Steven A. Juliano, Illinois State University
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