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PS 64
- Phenology
Thursday, August 7, 2008: 5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall CD, Midwest Airlines Center
PS 64-120
Alpine plants shift flowering times and flower production in response to increased snowpack, nitrogen, and temperature
Warren B. Sconiers
Texas A&M University
Isabel W. Ashton
National Park Service
Jane G. Smith
New Mexico State University
Katharine N. Suding
University of California at Berkeley
PS 64-121
Insufficient chilling hours may limit southern spread of Russian-olive (
Elaeagnus angustifolia
L.) in the western United States
Jonathan Friedman
US Geological Survey
Patrick B. Shafroth
US Geological Survey
D. Joanne Saher
ASRC Management Services, Inc.
Thomas O. Bates
US Geological Survey
PS 64-122
Temporal variation in floral and vegetative development in
Dirca occidentalis
, a rare endemic shrub
Hilary B. Rollins
Case Western Reserve University
William R. Graves
Iowa State University
Cindy Wilber
Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve (Stanford U)
PS 64-123
Project Budburst: How to provide high quality data for climate change research using a national citizen science program
Paul Alaback
University of Montana
Sandra Henderson
Carol Brewer
University of Montana
Kirsten Meymaris
KKM Consulting
Kay Havens
Chicago Botanic Garden
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