93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 109 - Conservation and Fisheries Management

Friday, August 8, 2008: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
103 AB, Midwest Airlines Center
8:00 AM
Modeling the responses of the coupled social-ecological systems of the northern Gulf of California to anthropogenic and natural perturbations
Heather M. Leslie, Brown University; Maja Schlueter, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ; Simon A. Levin, Princeton University
8:20 AM
Designing marine reserve networks for species that move within a home range
Elizabeth A. Moffitt, University of California, Davis; Louis W. Botsford, University of California, Davis; David M. Kaplan, Centre de Recherche Halieutique Mediterraneenne et Tropicale; Michael R. O'Farrell, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
8:40 AM
Species abundance distributions as a monitoring tool: An example using fisheries bycatch
Candan U. Soykan, San Diego State University; Rebecca Lewison, San Diego State University
9:00 AM
Maximizing fishing yield with marine protected areas: A modeling study
Urmila S. Malvadkar, St. Olaf College; Anne E Gatzlaff, St. Olaf College
9:20 AM
Predator detection and learning capability in an endemic lake sucker
Stephanie A. Kraft, Utah State University; Todd A. Crowl, Florida International University
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
Reduced environmental impact from using controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer in two public bare-root tree nurseries
Ryosuke Fujinuma, University of Wisconsisn - Madison; Nick J. Balster, University of Wisconsisn - Madison
10:10 AM
Habitat use of two songbird species: Response to forest management
Jill M. Wick, Alabama A&M University; Yong Wang, Alabama A&M University
10:30 AM
Data basin: An innovative system linking conservation science and conservation practice via the internet
Tosha Comendant, Conservation Biology Institute; James Strittholt, Conservation Biology Institute; Josh Knauer, MAYA Design Inc.; Joel Clement, Wilburforce Foundation
10:50 AM
Quantitative analysis of vegetation: Minnesota’s native plant community classification - CANCELLED
Norman E. Aaseng, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; John C. Almendinger, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Robert P. Dana, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Michael D. Lee, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Kurt A. Rusterholz, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Daniel S. Wovcha, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources