93rd ESA Annual Meeting (August 3 -- August 8, 2008)

COS 109-8 - Data basin: An innovative system linking conservation science and conservation practice via the internet

Friday, August 8, 2008: 10:30 AM
103 AB, Midwest Airlines Center
Tosha Comendant, Conservation Scientist, Conservation Biology Institute, Napa, CA, James Strittholt, Conservation Biology Institute, Corvallis, OR, Josh Knauer, Director of Advanced Development, MAYA Design Inc., Pittsburgh, PA and Joel Clement, Wilburforce Foundation, Seattle, WA

Access to data about complex ecological, political, and economic systems is essential to the practice of effective conservation. We have developed an innovative tool, called "Data Basin" that is a free, web-based portal that allows users to upload, download, visualize, integrate, save, share, and critique a tremendous volume and variety of information without the usual constraints of file formats and proprietary software. Data Basin is designed to facilitate science-based decision making and to foster collaboration between policymakers, conservationists, activists, and scientists by accelerating the exchange and transfer of conservation data and information.  


Data Basin users can search for conservation data both geographically and by topic. Users are able to: (1) view and integrate multiple conservation datasets, (2) explore data interchangeably as graphs, maps, or tables, (3) generate unique visualizations that can be saved and shared with other users, (4) combine datasets, (5) download raw datasets for more advanced uses, and (6) upload their own data to the system. Users are also able to evaluate, comment, and rank the data they find, making quality data more valuable and easier to find. Data Basin will provide an information-sharing commons that amplifies the impact of conservation research by providing a web-based tool for data exploration, collaboration, and communication.