ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

WK 22 - Integrating educational outreach into academic research

Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
N, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Rachel Schwartz
Vikki Rodgers
As ecologists we often feel the need to share our knowledge and love of ecology with the non-science community. Working with the community has benefits for both scientists and the community: research knowledge is disseminated to the public; the community understands why research is necessary, important, and beneficial; researchers can gain help with data collection; and students learn about ecology and the scientific method. However, researchers may find it challenging to get involved with students and community groups beyond merely presenting their research. Additionally, working with students and volunteers requires unique communication and coordination skills. This workshop is designed to assist graduate students and early-career scientists in incorporating outreach activities into their research. We will begin with several short presentations on the personal experiences of professors, graduate students, and outreach program coordinators in performing educational outreach and integrating volunteers into academic research. Some questions that we will discuss include: How do you initiate a project incorporating educational outreach? What are your goals and how do you know if you have met them? How can you interact besides just giving presentations? How do you find the right balance between educating and receiving help from the community? What kind of funding is available to support outreach? Presentations will be followed by coordinator-led small group discussions and mock outreach activities to help participants develop ways to integrate outreach into their own research.

Registration Fee: $0

See more of: Workshop