Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 11:30 AM-1:15 PM
Almaden, San Jose Marriott
Ashley Simons
Sharon K. Collinge
Patricia Conrad
Learn to be an effective communicator when talking to journalists about your science. Understanding how to translate your science for different audiences is key to success--whether talking to journalists, preparing a grant proposal, presenting to a public official, collaborating with natural resource management staff, or writing an op-ed for your local paper. This interactive workshop will help you hone your ability to get the results you seek by developing clear and concise messages tailored for specific audiences, and offer practical advice for interacting specifically with journalists. Workshop trainers include senior scientists experienced in interacting with journalists who will share their insights and provide individual feedback on how to strengthen your message. Topics covered will include: what do journalists want, do's and don'ts, and managing your message. This workshop is appropriate for graduate students, post-docs, and early career environmental scientists, as well as scientists at mid-career. Presented by the Leopold Leadership Program at the Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University (, which provides communications and leadership training fellowships for mid-career academic scientists, in conjunction with COMPASS. Note: this session will complement an evening special session sponsored by ESA and COMPASS featuring a panel of journalists from leading print and broadcast outlets who will provide insight about what it is like to cover science from the journalists’ perspective.