Monday, August 6, 2007: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
B3&4, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Devon M. Rothschild
Rhonda Kranz
John Wells
Robert Goldstein
The Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable (SWRR) brings together participants from diverse sectors – federal, state, corporate, non-profit, and academic – to advance knowledge and support the decision-making needed to sustain the quality and availability of the nation's water resources. As part of its mission, SWRR has developed a draft framework and set of indicators for tracking and understanding changes to the health of fresh and coastal waters, surface and ground water, wetlands and watersheds. It has also begun to identify knowledge gaps and needs, and provide opportunities for collaborative research. In the first half of this two-hour session we will present the current set of criteria and indicators developed by SWRR and then open the meeting for feedback and discussion. The second hour will focus on a discussion of research needs and priorities. The SWRR preliminary report with draft criteria and indicators can be found at