ESA/SER Joint Meeting (August 5 -- August 10, 2007)

OOS 25 - Ecosystem responses to experimental warming and other global climate change factors

Wednesday, August 8, 2007: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
C3&4, San Jose McEnery Convention Center
Xuhui Zhou
Yiqi Luo
Xuhui Zhou
This session will present research results from warming and global change experiments. To develop predictive understanding of climate warming impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, many warming experiments have been conducted in the past two decades and in a variety of ecosystems. The longest field study, addressing soil warming at Harvard Forest, has been ongoing since 1991. The Network of Ecosystem Warming Studies (NEWS) organized by the international consortium, Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Atmospheric and Climate Change (TERACC) includes at least 35 experimental sites. Stimulated by new funding opportunities, more warming experiments with other climate change factors have recently been initiated. As the ongoing warming experiments continue and new multi-factor experiments have been established, many experimental results are available to examine effects of warming and other factors on ecosystem function and community structure across a wide spectrum of time and space scales. In addition, modeling studies actively examine the complexity of ecosystem responses to climate change. Presentations on these topics by representatives of research groups working in diverse ecosystems are brought together here to foster synergistic interaction among researchers using warming experiments in climate change research. Studies reported here have used warming experiments alone or in combination with modification of other climate factors (such as elevated CO2, altered precipitation, and/or increased N inputs), or have used modeling to integrate experimental studies of global change impacts on ecosystems.
8:00 AM
Effects of warming on ecosystems: What don't we know?
Christopher Field, Stanford University; Nona R. Chiariello, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University
8:20 AM
Annual grassland response to altered precipitation and temperature: Genes, species, and ecosystem
Margaret S. Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Samuel B. St.Clair, UC Berkeley; David Ackerly, University of California, Berkeley; Gary L. Andersen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Stephanie M. Bernard, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Eoin L. Brodie, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Cristina Castanha, Berkeley Lab; Mary K. Firestone, University of California, Berkeley; Marc L. Fischer, Berkeley Lab; Donald J. Herman, University of California, Berkeley; Francesca M. Hopkins, University of California, Irvine; Sarah A. Placella, University of California; Rohit Salve, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
8:40 AM
Understanding belowground processes in a multifactor world: Interactive effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide, temperature, and soil moisture
Aimee T. Classen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Charles T. Garten Jr., Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Richard J. Norby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Jake Weltzin, US Geological Survey
9:20 AM
Interactive effects of warming and altered rainfall timing on ecosystem processes in tallgrass prairie
John Blair, Kansas State University; Philip A. Fay, USDA, Agricultural Research Service; Alan Knapp, Colorado State University; Melinda Smith, Colorado State University; Jonathon D Carlisle, Kansas State University
9:40 AM
10:10 AM
Warming and rainfall redistribution alters tree-grass interactions in oak savanna
Mark G. Tjoelker, University of Western Sydney; David D. Briske, Texas A&M University; Astrid Volder, University of California -Davis
See more of: Organized Oral Session