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PS 27
Plant-Insect Interactions
Tue, Aug 16, 2022:
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Exhibit Hall
PS 27-77
Habitat fragmentation predicts reduced abundance of a flightless planthopper but does not erode gene flow among fragments
Billie Maguire
Georgetown University
PS 27-78
Investigating the behavior of an insect herbivore: do behavioral types affect plant damage?
Monica Paniagua Montoya
Department of Biological Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
PS 27-79
Land-use and seasonality drive beetle community composition in a semi-deciduous forest in Ghana
Frederick Gyasi Damptey
Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus-Senftenburg, Germany (Department of Ecology)
PS 27-80
Soil invertebrate’s effects on pine and oak deadwood decomposition in temperate forests of Korea
Gaeun Kim
Korea University
PS 27-81
Nitrogen deposition effects on Oregon white oak foliar chemistry and insect herbivory in the Columbia River Gorge, USA
Rebekah Gaxiola
Washington State University Vancouver
PS 27-82
Intelligent egg laying: analysis of plant traits and chemistry underlying both oviposition choice and larval growth of seed predator Schinia florida on the common evening-primrose (Oenothera biennis)
Kelley Slimon
Cornell University
PS 27-83
CANCELLED - Evaluating how intraspecific variation in host plant quality influences patterns of abundance in a range-expanding gall forming wasp
Aly K. Milks
Binghamton University
PS 27-84
Costs and benefits of multispecies mutualisms: an integral projection modeling approach
Alexandra Campbell
Rice University - Houston, TX
PS 27-85
Do traits that predict plant-pollinator interactions vary between butterflies and moths?
Rhea Amatya
University of California, Riverside
PS 27-86
Volatile organic compounds mediated plant–plant communication in natural beech forest
Tomika Hagiwara
Kyoto Univ.
PS 27-87
Novel Plant-Insect Host-tility : Examining Trends in a Novel Host’s Impact on Insect Larval Performance.
Ashley Morris, n/a
SUNY Stony Brook