Wed, Aug 17, 2022: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
Plenary Speaker:
Somayeh Dodge
Intentional movement through space is one of the traits shared by humans and animals to perform activities. Movement of individuals is fundamental to the dynamics of ecosystems, cities and environments, and can be utilized as a key to understand and model environmental and behavioral variability in social and ecological systems. As a result of ubiquitous tracking and the increasing access to movement data in both trajectory and aggregate forms, a number of disciplines, from animal ecology to urban planning, from biology to geography and public health share a common interest in understanding movement and activity patterns of humans and animals in natural and built environments. While there is a shared interest in geography and ecology to understand and model movement behavior with respect to geographic space, there has been little cross-fertilization across these disciplines. From the lens of geographic information science, this presentation reviews recent advances in computational movement analytics, and argues for a convergent movement data science to study and map movement across the human and animal divide.
Click or tap the speaker's name to see their biography and a short Q&A with their thoughts about their career and the field of ecology.