2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

COS 269 Detritus And Decomposition

3:30 PM-5:00 PM
3:30 PM
Genetically engineered oilcane does not enhance soil carbon losses compared to wild-type sugarcane
Zoe Pagliaro, Department of Biology, West Virginia University;Edward Brzostek, West Virginia University;Ember Morrissey, PhD, West Virginia University;
3:45 PM
On-Farm Conversion of Cannabis sativa Waste Biomass into an Organic Fertilizer by Microbial Digestion
Noah E. Olson, University of Vermont;Deborah A. Neher, University of Vermont;Victoria I. Holden, Full Circle Microbes;
4:00 PM
Carbon dioxide emissions from deadwood in forests of the Northeastern US
Zoe Read, University of Maine;Shawn Fraver, University of Maine;Jodi A. Forrester, PhD, North Carolina State University;Ivan Fernandez, University of Maine;Jay W. Wason, University of Maine;Christopher W. Woodall, USDA Forest Service Northern Resarch Station;
4:15 PM
Fungal metaproteome indicates strong functional redundancy during wood decomposition of 12 different tree species
Lydia Kipping, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ;Nico Jehmlich, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ;Harald Kellner, TU Dresden - IHI Zittau;