2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

COS 248 Biogeochemistry: Linking Community Structure And Ecosystem Function 2

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
1:30 PM
Stoichiometry of birds and implications for ecosystem ecology
Ethan Duvall, Cornell University;Alexander S. Flecker, Cornell University;Louis A. Derry, Cornell University;
1:45 PM
Using isotopic niche characteristics to investigate how ecological traits drive resource segregation in global seabird colonies: A test of niche theory.
Kyle Parkinson, Univerisity of Guelph;Alexander Bond, The Natural History Museum, UK;Leandro Bugoni, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande;Yves Cherel, CNRS-La Rochelle Université;Keith A. Hobson, Environment and Climate Change Canada;Patricia Mancini, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande;Gregory McClelland, Environment And Climate Change Canada;Brian Hayden, University of New Brunswick;
2:00 PM
Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil
Jenni Kane, M.S., West Virginia University;Ember Morrissey, PhD, West Virginia University;Zachary B. Freedman, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison;James Kotcon, PhD, West Virginia University;
2:15 PM
Wind-borne antibiotics affect soil community function leading to reduced microbial efficiency
Dan V. Du, University of Idaho;Michael S. Strickland, University of Idaho;
2:30 PM
Role of understory restoration in influencing forest soil nutrient cycling
Carla M. D'Antonio, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara;Stephanie G. Yelenik, Ph.D., U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station;Evan Rehm, Austin Peay State University;Cheryl Elgersma, UC Santa Barbara;
2:45 PM
Restoring ecosystem function: how understory species influence soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in a degraded and restored Hawaiian mesic forest
Kelsey L. Dowdy, UC Santa Barbara;Stephanie G. Yelenik, Ph.D., U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station;Carla M. D'Antonio, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara;