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COS 218
Modeling: Populations 2
Thu, Aug 18, 2022:
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
8:00 AM
Optimizing the use of suppression zones for containment of invasive species
Adam Lampert
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Andrew Liebhold
USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
8:15 AM
Blurring the lines between parasites and herbivores: the effects of aggregation on stability and coevolution
Eric P. Sodja
University of Utah
Fred Adler
University of Utah
8:30 AM
Neighborhood effects and competition alter plant dispersion and coexistence
Abigail G. Dittmar, n/a
Florida State University
Leithen K. M'Gonigle, PhD
Simon Fraser University
Nora Underwood
Florida State University
Brian D. D. Inouye, PhD
Florida State University
8:45 AM
Mixotrophs generate alternative stable carbon states under warming
Dan J. Wieczynski
Duke University
Holly V. Moeller
UC Santa Barbara
Jean-Philippe P. Gibert, PhD
Duke University
9:00 AM
CANCELLED - Demographic lability instead of buffering in a long-lived tropical tree
Nadejda B. Sero
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Jacob K. Moutouama
Rice University
Orou G. Gaoue
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee Knoxville
9:15 AM
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of nongenetic individual heterogeneity
Amy B. Forsythe
University of British Columbia
Troy Day
Queen's University
William A. Nelson
Queen's University