2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

COS 181 Population Dynamics: Modeling 3

1:30 PM-3:00 PM
1:30 PM
The center-periphery hypothesis revisited: a meta-analysis
Jacob K. Moutouama, Rice University;Orou G. Gaoue, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee Knoxville;
1:45 PM
Estimating variable pronghorn survival across their northern populations
Molly McDevitt, University of Montana;Paul Lukacs, University of Montana;Joshua Millspaugh, University of Montana;Andy Lindbloom, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks;Kelly Proffitt, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks;
2:00 PM
Maintenance of functional diversity by spatial pattern formation in simple and complex metacommunities
Christian Guill, University of Potsdam;Janne Hülsemann, University of Potsdam;Louica Philipp, University of Potsdam;Toni Klauschies, University of Potsdam;
2:15 PM
Differences in initial abundances reveal divergent dynamic structures in Gause’s predator-prey experiments
Lina K. Mühlbauer, University of Graz;Adam T. Clark, https://www.adamclarktheecologist.com/, University of Graz;
2:30 PM
Through the Random Forest: Prediction and Explanation of Stage Structured Trophic Dynamics
Sophia Simon, University of California - Davis, CA;Paul Glaum, University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor;Fernanda S. Valdovinos, University of California, Davis;