2022 ESA Annual Meeting (August 14 - 19)

COS 162 Urban Ecosystems 7

10:00 AM-11:30 AM
10:00 AM
CANCELLED - Nonnative plants alter urban forest structure and arthropod communities
J. Christina Mitchell, North Carolina State University;Vince D'Amico, Ph.D., USDA Forest Service;Tara LE Trammell, PhD, University of Delaware;Steven D. Frank, North Carolina State University;
10:00 AM
MOVED FROM THURS COS 272 - Biodiversity promotes ecosystem functioning in cities
Sarah R. Weiskopf, U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Adaptation Science Center;Susannah B. Lerman, PhD, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station;Forest Isbell, PhD, University of Minnesota;Toni Lyn Morelli, U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center;
10:15 AM
Fishes across the cityscape: are trait responses to urbanization similar within the city?
Piatã Marques, University at Buffalo;Edina Illyes, University of Toronto Scarborough;Nicholas E. Mandrak, University of Toronto Scarborough;
10:30 AM
Will urban fruit trees be first to stop bearing fruit under future climate conditions?
Deidre M. Jaeger, University of Colorado Boulder, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science;Jonathan Friedman, U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center;Madeleine Zenir, University of Colorado Boulder;Molly Callaway, University of Colorado Boulder;Natalie Hyde, University of Colorado Boulder;Carol Wessman, University of Colorado Boulder, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science;
10:45 AM
Local and landscape factors influence plant-pollinator networks and bee foraging behavior across an urban corridor
Gabriella L. Pardee, University of Texas at Austin;Kimberly M. Ballare, University of California Santa Cruz;Shalene Jha, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin;Laurel Treviño Murphy, M.Sc., The University of Texas at Austin;
11:00 AM
Planting complex, native understorey on inner city streets significantly increases bee and butterfly abundance and diversity
Nicholas Williams, University of Melbourne;Julian Brown, University of Melbourne;Jessica Baumann, University of Melbourne;Lee Harrison, City of Melbourne;Caragh Threlfall, PhD, University of Sydney;
11:15 AM
Designing and managing biodiverse streetscapes: key lessons from the City of Melbourne
Lee Harrison, City of Melbourne;Hui-Anne Tan, City of Melbourne;Jeff Nelson, City of Melbourne;Maggie Lokic, City of Melbourne;John P. Rayner, University of Melbourne;Caragh Threlfall, PhD, University of Sydney;Jessica Baumann, University of Melbourne;Adrian Marshall, City of Melbourne;Mark Callow, City of Melbourne;Jessica Peeler, City of Melbourne;Rebecca Korossy-Horwood, Naturelinks Landscape Management Pty Ltd;Chris Nicholson, Serco Australia Pty Ltd;Nicholas Williams, University of Melbourne;