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COS 137
Predation And Predator-Prey Interactions 3
Wed, Aug 17, 2022:
8:00 AM-9:30 AM
8:00 AM
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of autotomy
Rohan S. Mehta
Emory University
Julie Kraus
Georgia Institute of Technology
8:15 AM
The evolution of social learning by predators in a predator-prey system
Talia M. Borofsky
Stanford University Department of Biology
Marc Feldman
Stanford University Department of Biology
8:30 AM
CANCELLED - Body shape, growth rate, and off-plane phenotypes induced in mosquitofish by the functionally distinct predators bluegill sunfish and dragonfly naiads
Thomas J. DeWitt
Texas A&M University
8:45 AM
Müllerian mimicry in camouflaged species: a case study using Gray treefrogs (Dryophytes versicolor) and pickerel frogs (Lithobates palustris)
Eric Guerra-Grenier
Redpath Museum, McGill University
Alexandra Angers
Redpath Museum, McGill University
James B. Barnett
McMaster University
David M. M. Green, PhD
McGill University
9:00 AM
Variation in body size drives spatial and temporal variation in lobster-urchin interaction strength
Bartholomew P. DiFiore
University of California, Santa Barbara
Adrian C. Stier
University of California Santa Barbara
9:15 AM
High rate of unsuccessful predation attempts by brown treesnakes offers insight into the risks and rewards of consuming large prey
Martin Kastner
Iowa State University
Scott Goetz
US Geological Survey
Kayla Baker
Iowa State University
Melia Nafus
US Geological Survey
Eben Paxton
United States Geological Survey
Shane Siers
United States Department of Agriculture
Haldre Rogers
Virginia Tech