Tue, Aug 16, 2022: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
10:15 AM
Migration in a changing world: Plasticity and consistent individual differences in migratory behavior of ungulates Michel P. Laforge, PhD, University of Wyoming;Eric F. Vander Wal, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador;Quinn Webber, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder;Chris Geremia, Yellowstone Center for Resources;Matthew J. Kauffman, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey;Arthur D. Middleton, UC Berkeley;Kevin L. Monteith, PhD, Haub School, University of Wyoming;Anna C. Ortega, PhD, Western Wildlife Research Collective; Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming;Hall Sawyer, PhD, Western Ecosystems Technology;Jerod A. Merkle, PhD, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming; 10:45 AM
How can lost wildlife migrations be restored? Key drivers of success across taxa and ecosystems Kristin J. Barker, University of California, Berkeley;Wenjing Xu, University of Michigan;Amy Van Scoyoc, University of California, Berkeley;Mitchell Serota, University of California, Berkeley;Jessie A. Moravek, University of California, Berkeley;Avery Shawler, University of California, Berkeley;Rachael E. Ryan, University of California, Berkeley;Arthur D. Middleton, UC Berkeley; 11:00 AM
Quantifying the heritability of migration behaviours in a facultatively migrating ungulate Maegwin Bonar, Environmental & Life Sciences Graduate Program, Trent University;Eric Wootton, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Program, Trent University;Charles R. Anderson, Mammals Research Section, Colorado Parks and Wildlife;George Wittemyer, Colorado State University;Joe M. Northrup, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources;Aaron A. Shafer, Trent University;